Deliverables: What Are Wireframes?

Deliverables: What Are Wireframes?

Wireframing is the first step in the UI design process - low fidelity visual representations of a web page or application interface. They are generally black and white line drawings, a combination of blocks and squiggles, with maybe some gray shading but no other colors. Stay focused on layout and high-level interactions and concepts like navigation and flow. UI elements and content can be represented as boxes or lines, with or without label descriptions.

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Stakeholder Analysis and The Vampires Among Us - Part 1

Stakeholder Analysis and The Vampires Among Us - Part 1

A stakeholder is, basically, a person or entity that will be impacted in some way by a proposed change. Stakeholders can represent departments, teams, organizations, customers or an individual.

Vampires?  Well, given the opportunity, they'll suck the life out of you.  

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Deliverables: Workflows vs Task Flows vs Process Flows

Deliverables: Workflows vs Task Flows vs Process Flows

Creating and reviewing these flows helps to highlight redundancies, delays, dead ends, error handling, and alternate/indirect paths that would otherwise remain unnoticed or ignored. 

These are not "once and done" documents, they are very much "living documents" that you will return to again and again to validate ideas and plans, update as things changes, and pass along to other departments for their planning, documentation, and training. 

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You Are Here - Mapping an Organization

You Are Here - Mapping an Organization

“Half the Time I’m Lost…and the Other Half, I just Don’t Know Where I’m Going.”

Part of knowing where you’re going, is in knowing where you currently are and how you got there. As a business analyst, whether you’ve been tasked with improving a team, process, product or policy, you need to do a little research to get the lay of the land.  

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