Survey Tools: Free and Paid

Survey Tools: Free and Paid

The trick to collecting information for your project is to NOT rely on any one method.

Yep, you read that right.

You see, people are funny. When you ask them a question face-to-face you’ll get one type of answer - usually the answer they think you want to hear, or the first random thing that pops into their mind, which could what they think or even what they’ve heard from others, or the answer that they think will make them look [smart, insightful, some form of “best”]...So, today let’s take a look at some of the tools/services available to run online surveys:

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"Survey Says!" - Elicitation Technique #1

"Survey Says!" - Elicitation Technique #1

Surveys are one of the most commonly used methods of collecting and analyzing data from a targeted population (a specific group of people). Using a set of standardized questions and a variety of delivery methods, surveys can be used to quickly obtain facts, opinions, and behaviors from a large group of people, which makes it a great elicitation tool.

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