10 Techniques for Better Requirement Gathering/Elicitation

Soliciting, gathering, and documenting business requirements is the critical first step for every project. The good news is, using these techniques you'll be well on your way to a very successful project!

Oh, and here's the survey link: https://thebazone.typeform.com/to/hnpl9V

And you can request your free Survey Guidelines ebook here:https://thebazone.com/surveyebook

The BA Zone Live: Survey Says! - Elicitation Technique #1

Surveys are a great way to collect information from your audience. In this show we discuss how to make surveys work for you!

For more information on using surveys for requirements gathering, visit: https://www.thebazone.com/bablog?tag=Surveys

Get Your Free Survey Guidelines e-book here: https://www.thebazone.com/surveyebook

Oh, and here's the survey link: https://thebazone.typeform.com/to/hnpl9V